Thursday, August 27, 2009

Ready for my Little Friends

On my outside wall...sign says Learning the Chicka Chicka Boom Boom way....
My bulletion board
Okay it has been busy Judson is settling into second grade just fine so far. He has met a new friend named Mikey,answered prayer for me and Allen. I kinda took it easy the first week he was back in school then off to my job, first there was training and more training, I did actually get some really great new ideas to do this year. Then it was to getting my room ready it is so fun but alot of work, then all the paper work and lesson plans. I have already had my parent night and meet /greet with new students (little friends) they seemed to love the classroom I am so excited to get the year started we have alot to cover getting them ready for Kindergarten.
This has been a very busy week!!!


Wendy said...

Jennifer--WOW--everything looks wonderful! I'm excited to be teaching again, but I can't begin to tell you how much I miss all of you! My new "job" is going to be a completely different experience. I feel absolutely blessed that I was able to spend 3 years teaching at Parkway--it's something that I'll always hold close. I wish you the very best--those little kiddos have no idea how much they're going to be blessed this year!!!

Wendy said...

Looks good!