Christmas morning, Judson was so excited to see what all Santa left. Judson woke up at 7:00 this was the earliest ever!!

He got more books, Flat Stanley added to the collection!!

Wii Resort, Air soft gun, basket ball goal, scooter, dart board and several Wii games that were on his list.

Nana got him Operation Sponge Bob, for some reason I did not get many pictures there this year.

Emma Grace was there this is her second Christmas, but first with us last year she was just a few days old... and she is walking now!!!

Nanie and Pawpaw with the grandchildren

Mom opening her Pandora bracelet from us..Jason and Wendy got her two charms for it she so loved it!!

Dad with his coat from us, he is so hard to buy for and I like buying coats so that is what he usually gets from us.

Jeremy got a gun of some sort...he loved it!!!

My favorite picture from Christmas Marley all wrapped up!!!
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