Math Bingo with Marshmallows
I was able to go to Judson's class Christmas party, it was a lot of fun. I actually witnessed a lady crashing into a staffs car and leaving never telling anyone. Well I did report it and with all the cameras and info they have on you and your child we found out her name and was called by the principal so I did my good deed, by hanging out in the front office for 45 minutes. Then I rushed off to Chick-fil-a I had promised to bring Judson back lunch but the line was wrapped around Chick-fil-a so it was McDonalds. Here at Judson's new school outside food is not allowed from outside like fast food it is a wellness program they are a part of, but I don't not like it or support it so I sneak in fast food in his lunch box!! At Mashburn our old school same county same road allows you to bring in food crazy rules! I only do it once a month or so I always tell myself he is at school most days longer than he is at home with us and I think of it as a special treat and I get to spend about 30 minutes with my sweet love!
1 comment:
U R TOO funny! Good for U 4 doing UR good deed! And, glad you had a great time at Judson's class party! I was able to join Noah yesterday--miss being able to spend more time at school, so I cherish the small amount of time I do visit. Noah's school is SO lax about 'outside' food--I know Judson enjoys the treat. And, would you believe our Chik Fil A is NEVER crowded--Ohioans don't know what they're missing!!
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