DECEMBER-- Christmas is always a special time for us-we love hanging out as a family.

November-- Nanie fell and injured her back she was in rehab so we were able to visit!!!

October--BOO-ography Judson was Steve Irwin--The Croc Hunter

September--Scouts started back up and Judson is now a BEAR

August- Judson started 3rd grade and we went to Six Flags

July-- Due to oil spill in the gulf we visited Panama City

dog sat-- Ginger this cute pug Judson loves pugs

and discovered Judson is highly allergic to insect bites
June-- we Amicola falls, Judson turned 9

May-- My dad turned 60 yikes

we got new furniture

April -- Authors Tea Judson wrote a cool story titled "The Bread Man"

March --We had snow

February-We had snow and I got mom out for a drive after her surgery

Pine Wood Derby--car was Drago

January-- Mom had major surgery to remove a mass off her kidney and Judson and Allen had an overnight trip scouts to the Tennessee Aquarium
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